Healthy Home Made Apple Oat Bars


Bonjour mes belles,

This week's recipe is one that I use every week.

These apple oat  bars are perfect as a healthy snack or for breakfast on the run.

It does not take long to make them and I always keep a batch in the freezer.

Home Made Healthy Oat Bars

1 cup Rolled Oats*

1 cup Porridge Rolled Oats 

1/2 cup chopped Rasins

1 egg

2 Tablespoons Oil - use seed or coconut oil

2 Tablespoons Honey

1 cip Apple compote or puree


1. Heat oven to 200 degrees C/ 400 F

2. Combine the oats in a bowl with the chopped rasins.

3. Whisk the egg with the honey and oil. Then add the apple compote and mix well.

4. Using a wooden spoon mix the wet and dry mixtures together.

5. Grease  the tin or tray you will be using with butter or oil. I use a silicon bar mold which I purchased on amazon.

6 Place the mixure in the tin, making sure it is pressed down.

7. Bake for 20 - 30 mins until cooked.

8. Remove from oven and leave to cool. Once cool, carefully remove and place on a rack.

You can store these in the fridge for a few days or place them in the freezer and take them out when required. You can reheat them in  the microwave for 20-30 seconds.


* I have found that the mix of oats makes the best bars, if you only have large oats you could blitz them in a food mixer.

Bon vendredi a tous ♥

Leeann x 
