Bigger than expected


When I first saw this antique fronton, it was love at first sight so I purchased it.

I did not pay much attention to the dimensions as it didn't look that large in the photo.

A message arrived stating that it had arrived and it was ready for collecton.

Fortunately I sent French Boyfriend to collect it, he returns stating he has left it in the hall and that I need to give him a hand to carry it.

Strange I thought as I imagined it was not that large and was one of those frontons I could display above the door.

Let's just say it is going to have to a huge door as it is very long and very, very heavy. It weighs a ton and I think it maybe best used as a headboard.

The most odd part is that there is a height and weight restriction so I am unsure as to how it even managed to get delivered. For 5 euros the delivery cost was a bargain, I just wish French Boyfiend felt the same about my latest aquisition.

Now I just have to decide where to store it whilst I think about what to do with it.

Next time I will pay more attention to the measurements or not sent French Boyfriend to collect my purchases...

Belle semaine a tous ♥

Leeann x 
