French food Friday - Calvados Rice Pudding

recipe and photo from here

It is apple season here in SW France so this week I will be treating French Boyfriend to a fabulous apple based dessert.

Calvados Rice Pudding

  • Serves 6 people


600 ml milk 
600 ml pouring cream 
2 vanilla beans, split and seeds scraped  
240 gm caster sugar 
6 egg yolks  
240 gm short-grain rice, such as carnaroli   
 Calvados apples 
200 gm caster sugar  
6 Granny Smith apples, cut into wedges 
 80 ml Calvados (see note)


  • Heat milk, cream, vanilla beans and seeds, and half the sugar in a large heavy-based saucepan over medium heat, stirring to dissolve sugar. Add rice, bring to the boil, reduce heat to low and stir occasionally until thick and rice is tender (15-20 minutes). Whisk egg yolks and remaining sugar until thick and pale. Remove rice mixture from heat and whisk in egg mixture, return to heat and stir continuously to lightly cook eggs (5 minutes). Remove from heat, set aside and keep warm.
  • For Calvados apples, heat a large frying pan over low-medium heat, scatter sugar over base and cook until caramelised (6-7 minutes), stirring only the caramelised edges. Add apples, deglaze with Calvados and cook, turning to coat, until apples are tender and caramel is dark (6-7 minutes). Serve immediately with rice pudding.
Note Calvados, a brandy made with apples, is available from select liquor stores.If you cannot get this, ordinary brandy will do.

bon fin de semaine à tous, Leeann x
