French Food Friday - Salade de concombre, melon et feta


Bonjour mes belles,

I am in the mood for something fresh and this recipe is perfect. Hope you like it as much as we do.

Salade de concombre, melon et feta

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 25 minutes


1 melon

1 cucumber

200g feta

juice of a lime

2 tablespoon of olive oil

1 bunch of mint

salt and pepper

1. Wash the cucumber. Remove both ends and peel every other strip using a vegetable peeler. Slice it into quarters lengthwise. Remove the seeds then cut it into small cubes.

2. Cut the melon into 4, remove skin and seeds. Also cut it into small cubes. Cut the feta into cubes the same size as the cucumber and melon.

3. Gently mix all these ingredients in a salad bowl. Keep fresh until ready to serve.

4. At the last moment, pour the lemon juice and olive oil into the salad bowl. Add salt and pepper. Mix again gently.

5. Fill a small bowl with the preparation, pack lightly and invert it onto the plate. Repeat the operation for the other plates. Sprinkle with chopped mint. Serve well chilled.

Bon fin de semaine a tous ♥

Leeann x 
