Baguette scented stamps


Just when you think life could not get any crazier in France we now have baguette scented stamps.

La Poste have just launched scratch ‘n’ sniff baguette stamps.

Unveiled on Saint Honoré’s Day (Saint Honoré being the patron saint of bakers) at the Philaposte printing house in Boulazac, the postal service has printed 594,000 mouthwatering copies of the stamp, which captures the scent of bread in the ink. Costing €1.96 each, the stamp shows a baguette decorated with a red, white and blue ribbon.  

The baguette, which won intangible heritage status from UNESCO in November 2022, is considered a jewel of French gastronomy. 

On its website, La Poste said: “Bearer of culture and customs, the baguette is deeply rooted in the daily practices of the French. It embodies a ritual, that of going to the bakery, a local business anchored in the regions, attracting 12m consumers every day. 

The making of six billion baguettes each year confirms its iconic status in French food heritage.” 

All this talk of baguettes is making me hungry so I am off to get some breakfast.

Bon week-end a tous ♥

Leeann x 
