French Food Friday - Spelt Bread Rolls

photo from here 


Sorry it has been a bit quiet at my end,  I appear to have developed a food allergy and it is playing havoc in terms of both eating and sleeping.

It is the first time in my life that I have experienced problems with food  so it has come as a shock and every day is an adventure.

I have started a food diary which is useful in terms of good and bad food groups. Spelt bread is something that I tried recently and I adore it.  Ironically I purchased a packet odf spelt flour as it looked interesting and it turns out that not only is it good for the digestive system, it is also very yummy.

So this week's recipe is one that I have used this week and I am now on the lookout for other ideas for using spelt. 


1 cup all purpose flour plain flour

1 cup + 2 tablesponns wholegrain spelt flour 

1 teaspoon instant yeast fast acting yeast

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon honey

¾ cup water lukewarm


  • Mix together the flours, yeast and salt. Add the oil, honey and warm water and mix so that is comes together. Try not to mix too much, if possible. Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured surface and gently knead it. 
  • Knead the dough for a couple of minutes to stretch the dough a little and avoid it being too sticky. It won't need as much as some breads, but a little will help. Add some extra flour as needed as it may be a little sticky. It will still be soft, but you don't want it to constantly stick to your hands.
  • Lightly oil a large bowl then put the dough inside, cover and transfer to a warm, draft-free spot. It shouldn't be hot, but an oven that has almost cooled will be great and will reduce the rising time. Leave to roughly double in size, around 1 hour depending on how warm it is.
  • Once it has risen, tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knock it back (press into the dough with your fingers a few times to get out the excess bubbles). Divide into 6 equal pieces.
  • Line a baking sheet/tray with parchment. Form each piece of dough into a ball with lightly floured hands and place on the parchment with at least 1 ½inches/4cm between them. Cover with a cloth and leave to rise a little more for approx 30 minutes. During this time, preheat the oven to 465F/240C (Note if your oven is fan-assisted, reduce by around 20 degrees).
  • Bake the rolls for approximately 15 minutes until they are brown and sound hollow when you turn it over and tap the bottom. Allow to cool a few minutes before using.

Bon vendredi a tous ♥

Leeann x 
