How could I resist


When I was around 3 years old, my Great Aunt Ruby gave me the choice  of having a small doll or a very large doll, that was bigger than me. I picked the larger doll despite the fact I could barely carry her.

Fast forward to a local Antiques fair where I spotted this fabulous mannequin and very large and heavy vintage quilt.

I quickly realised that it was not possible to carry both itmes so I arranged with the seller to keep the mannequin whilst I carried the quilt to the car.

I had trouble carrying the quilt and barely managed to carry it to the car which was parked some distance from the fair and at the top of a very steep hill.

On return to our house, I weighed the quilt and now understand why I struggled to carry it as it weighs 6 kilos and is is simply enormous.

So roday I am grateful to my lovely Aunt Ruby for giving me a very important lesson in life; you can have it if you can carry it ♥

Bisous from a very humid SW France,

Leeann x 
