Give yourself some love
We live in a busy world and we often spend more time looking after others and we forget to take care of ourselves.
So here are some ways to look after yourself ♥♥
1.Read a book or a magazine
2. Walk in nature
3. Meditate
4. Sleep in on the weekend
5. Watch the clouds
6. Unplug from social media
7. Colour in, draw, or paint
8. Do yoga
9. Breathe
11. Listen to music or a nature soundscape
12. Dance
13.Spend quality time with a loved one
14.Look at the stars
15. Pray
16. Create a vision board
17. Watch the sunrise or sunset
18. Get out in the garden
19. Light a candle
20.Go to bed early
21. Call a friend that makes you laugh
22. Stretch
23. Start a gratitude journal
24. Write a bucket list
25.Take a bath
26. Switch off your smartphone for 24 hours
27. Write a list of compliments to yourself
28. Do a jigsaw puzzle
29. Declutter your social media
30. Declutter your wardrobe - start by removing a couple of items you no longer wear.
Love Leeann ♥♥
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