The charm of a Ciel de lit

 Ciel de lit translates to sky of bed, more commomly known as bed crowns.

Fabulous and very French, they are perfect for making a bedroom look cosy and welcoming.

This one caught my eye as I love the contrast of the two fabrics. As you know, I have a thing about fabric and curtains.  

Lately I have developed an obsession for antique  curtain tiebacks and they really do add a wow factor to any room.

They come in all shapes and sizes and some weigh a ton. They certainly do not make them like this anymore.

This Louis Rocaille pair of curtain holders are fabulous and I love their ormolu finish. 

Ormolu is the gilding technique of applying finely ground, high-carat gold–mercury amalgam to an object of bronze, and for objects finished in this way. The mercury is driven off in a kiln leaving behind a gold coating. The French refer to this technique as "bronze doré"; in English, it is known as "gilt bronze".

I think ormolu really deserves a separate post so I will leave it for another day.

Belle journee a tous ♥♥ Leeann 

ciel de lit photo from here 
