We are all in this together

This quote is so relevant and it makes you realise just how much we take for granted and how it can be taken away from  us at any time.

We are now in a period of lockdown in France as are most other people that live in Europe. It is the only way we can fight this deadly virus and China has proved that this strategy works as they adopted this very early on and their lives are slowly returning to normal.

We are all in this together and together we will fight this virus and come out stronger.

Stay safe,

Leeann x


  1. Love for all the people in this world ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

    1. Maybe a good thing to come out of this is that it will bring people from all races and religions closer together ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

  2. Dearest LeeAnn,
    Only wish they'd done so for the many death of the Flu in 2017...
    Take care and somehow we have to recover from this financially!

    1. Dear Mariette, I wish the same and just hope that it does not take too long for things to return to normal. It is a surreal experience and reminds me a lot of when I was working in New York and we experienced 9/11 as that also seemed surreal and like a bad dream or a thing that happened just in films and not in real life....

      Stay safe, Leeann x


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