French food Friday -Salade de betteraves et carottes

Bonjour mes belles,

We have a house full of vegetables at present and I am looking for recipes that call for lots of vegetables.

Today is beetroot day or as it is called in French betterave. Whilst French Boyfriend was busy in the shop this morning, I made some pita bread and prepared a salad made with beetroot and carrots.

It is delicious and I served it in the pita bread with a couple of lettuce leaves. I was planning to serve it with tomato but it worked well without so I left it out.

Peel and grate a large raw beetroot and two large carrots (aim for roughly equal quantities of the two).

Mix 2tbsp olive oil, 1tbsp sesame oil and 1tbsp lemon juice plus a fat pinch of salt. Mix with the carrot and beetroot, then sprinkle generously with pumpkin and sesame seeds. 

très bon fin de semaine à tous, Leeann x
