Friday flowers - Peonies

Bonjour mes belles,

What a fabulous week and one of the things that made it fabulous was the fact that we have had some lovely guests staying and I feel sad that they have gone.

I managed a quick trip to the market  in between breakfast deliveries and was surprised at how expensive the peonies were on the flower stand.  I was tempted to buy them but at the same time I found them expensive. Note we saw them yesterday at our local supermarket, who are selling 3 for  12 euros but they were white and I prefer the pink.

We  continued our tour of the market and I spotted lots of peonies but it was early and the seller had not yet made them into bouquets. I smiled and started with Bonjour Madame c'est combien pour les pivoines and prayed that she was not asking a huge amount.

She smiled and I knew that she could tell that I wanted them. End result I purchased two bouquets, a punnet of strawberries and walked away happy.

I returned to the house happy with my purchase and started searching for a vase to put them in.

A few minutes later French Boyfriend arrives with another bouquet, he explains that he loved the ones that were open where as I had asked for the ones that were less open.

End result I have beautiful peonies in ma cuisine, salle à manger and a stunning orchid from our lovely guests who left this morning.

What a fabulous week and it is amazing what a difference flowers make, along with some lovely guests.

bon fin de semaine à tous, Leeann x


  1. I totally agree, What a difference some or even A flower make.
    I have tried lately to keep some flowers in the house again, but there are cats and one is still young enough to eat flowers and or knock them over .. grrrrr.
    It is like having toddlers, when they get out of this stage .... :)

  2. I can understand why your week was wonderful: peonies in various stages of bloom are superb and lovely house guests are a blessing. Bon week-end. Elizabeth


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