when you least expect it...

Bonjour from a chilly SW France,

Yesterday we had some snow, not a lot but as it is pretty rare in this part of France, it was the talk of the town on Facebook and in the local newspapers.

Sunday was also quite chilly and we decided not to get up at some crazy hour to hunt for antiques. After lunch we decided to take a drive in the sunshine and at the same time perhaps stop at a vide grenier that was taking place in a village en route.

On the way we saw a boulangerie open which is an abnormality for us as all three of the boulangeries in our village are closed on a Sunday afternoon.

We purchased a couple of gateaux and devoured them in the car much to the boulanger's delight, who's car was parked next to ours.

By the time that we arrived at the vide grenier the locals were starting to pack up but French Boyfriend managed to find a couple of fabulous antique mirrors and I found some DVD"s for our ever growing collection.

On the way home FB stopped the car and I took a photo of the countryside as it reminded me of one of those old landscape paintings.

A couple of minutes later on the side of the road, we came across this charming sight.....a new born calf  complete with umbilical cord and very shaky legs.

Life really does surprise us at times and this was one of those moments. An unexpected pleasure that you simply cannot put a price tag on and no one can take away...

             Wishing you all a semaine fabuleuse, Leeann x
