French Food Friday...Tarte à la poire et au mascarpone

photo and recipe from here

Bonjour mes belles,

I hope you have all had a fabulous week, ours has been a hot and busy one.

It is that time of the year in SW France when there is an abundance of fruit and the biggest decision that we face is what to make and I am one of those people that loves to try a new recipe as opposed to making the same thing over and over again.

This week's recipe contains two ingredients that I love, pears and mascarpone and a third that I am fond of.....ready made pastry! Why make it when the pastry that you can buy here tastes as good, if not better than the home made version.

Speaking of versions, the French version of the recipe is followed by the English version.

Tarte à la Poire et au Mascarpone


  • 1 rouleau de pâte à tarte brisée
  • 3 poires
  • 150 gr de mascarpone
  • 2 œufs
  • 1 c à soupe d’amande hachée
  • 1 c à soupe de sucre semoule
  • 1 c à soupe de sucre glace
  • 1 c à soupe de jus de citron
Préchauffez le four th 6 ( 180°)
Garnissez un moule rectangulaire avec la pâte en conservant le papier sulfurisé. 
Epluchez les poires, coupez les en deux, évidez le cœur et retirez la queue. Arrosez-les avec le jus du citron. 
Mélangez le mascarpone avec les œufs et le sucre semoule. Tapissez le moule avec cette préparation et rangez les poires en les enfonçant tête-bèche. 
Saupoudrez la tarte d‘amandes hachées et de sucre glace. 
Enfournez et laissez cuire 25 minutes en surveillant la coloration. 
Servez tiède.

and now the English version......


1 packet of short crust pastry
3 pears
150g mascarpone
2 eggs
1 tbsp chopped almond
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp icing sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Preheat the oven  to 180 °.

Fill a rectangular pan with the pastry.

Peel the pears, cut them in half, scoop out the heart and remove the stalk. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

Mix the mascarpone with the eggs and the sugar. Place the mixture into the pastry lined tin, place the pear halves in the mixture.

Sprinkle pie with chopped almonds and sugar.

Bake and cook for 25 minutes, keeping an eye that the pastry does not burn.

Serve warm.

.....bon appetite à tous, Leeann x


  1. Pears are such a versatile fruit and so delicious at this time of year. I'm always on the look-out for new pear recipes and this looks scrummy.

  2. Sounds gorgeous, I'll have to give it a go, thanks loads for sharing x


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