French food Friday - Confiture de prunes

 A week or so  ago, French Boyfriend casually asks if I would like 5 kilos of organic plums from our friends orchard, "why not" I reply thinking he will forget and I will never have to worry about what to do with them.

Note the word "prune" is a faux ami in French as it is one of those words that does not mean the same thing as it does in English.Prune is the french word for plum and pruneau is the french word for prune.

You can guess how this story finishes, plums arrive, French Boyfriend has a last minute RDV with a client and yours truly is slaving over hot stove making plum jam.

A hot sticky mess, this sums me up on a hot and humid Friday night  and I am just pleased I wore gloves to prepare the plums and an apron whilst making the jam.

I refrained from using his Aunt's recipe as it is alcohol fueled and decided to adopt a simpler approach which is a bit hypocrotical coming from smeone who laces banana bread with lots of lovely rum.

Confiture de prunes

4 kilos plums

2.75 kilos Sugar

2 Tbsp Lemon Juice

1/2 cup Water

2 tsps butter

1. Wash and prepare fruit. Remove stones and cut into quarters

2. Place plums in large saucepab with water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes, stit with large wooden spoon to stop the fruit from sticking to bottom of the pot.

3. Add sugar and lemon juice, bring to the boil and then simmer for 20-30 minutes.

The jam is ready when it starts sticking to the back of the spoon and it has reached a temperature of 220 degrees F. 

Place the butter on top of the jam mixture and slowly stir, this will remove any bubbles on the surface of the jam.

Leave to rest for 10 minutes before placing in sterilized jars.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Bon week-end a tous ♥

Leeann x 
