French Food Friday - Ham & Cheese Quiche

Bonjour mes belles,

I hope you are having a fabulous week. 

This week's recipe is one that I make often as it is perfect for lunch and you could even serve it for breakfast.

It is quick and easy to prepare as it uses ready made pastry.

I used to make my own pastry from sratch but I tend to find that the ready made pastry in France tastes great and it is so quick and easy especially when you are in a hurry.

Ham & Cheese Quiche

3 eggs, beaten
3⁄4 cup milk
1 cup chopped cooked ham
1 cup grated cheese
A roll of ready made pastry

Line quiche dish with the pastry.
Prick holes in the pastry with a fork.
Beat eggs with milk, salt and pepper in bowl.
Add ham and cheese.
Pour mixture over pastry base.

Bake at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

bon vendredi et bon appetit ♥

Leeann x
