French Food Friday - Vin Chaud

photo from here
We have another arctic blast heading our way this weekend so I am planning on making some mulled wine or as it is called in French vin chaud which translates to hot wine.
Vin Chaud

1 Bottle Red Wine
1 Star anise
1 Orange 
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
1 pinch  Gound Pepper
1 pinch Ground Nutmeg
½ tsp Cinnamon or use a couple of cinnamon sticks
3 Cloves
3 pinches Ground ginger 


Heat gently 1 bottle of red wine + a glass of water with the sugar and spices plus a few slices of orange.

Note: Infuse spices at least 10 minutes (the mixture should not boil)

You can replace the bottle of wine with a good bottle of apple juice, it really is delicious.

très bon vendredi à tous, Leeann x
