Seaside air

 When I lived in New Zealand and Australia, I took living by the sea for granted.

Even when I lived in Dubai, the sea was a short stroll away.

Fast forward to France and all of a sudden I am missing the sea. 

I think that this maybe a result of being confined to one place for 20 months, thanks to the corona virus.

As you know we spent last week in Normandy, one of our favorite places in France and it is a region we visit regularly.

The weather was amazing, it was warm and sunny and there were even people swimming.

Is there anything nicer than feeling the sand between your toes, searching for pretty seashells or enjoying a lovely ice-cream
 by the sea.

It was lovely to see people enjoying themselves again - children building sand castles, couples strolling hand in hand, families having picnics and even a birthday celebration complete with champagne and oysters.

We were very sad to leave but we hope to return  ♥♥

Leeann x  
